What Type of Martial Arts Did Bruce Lee Study

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Bruce Lee and Martial Arts.

  • Thread starter SRyuFighter
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  • #1
How many Martial Arts did Bruce Lee know. And what ranks was he in these?
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  • #2
He just formally studied Wing Chun under Yip-Homo. As far as I recall, information technology was for nearly 5 years only, which was non enough to complete the forms and all the techniques in the system. Essentially, he didn't finish his training because he left the land.
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  • #three
So that is all that he knew. Five years of Wing Chun. I thought he supposedly knew a whole lot of stuff. Judge you can't believe everything y'all hear.
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  • #four
That'south his only extended formal training. He continued to acquire things hither and in that location from other people, similar Chuck Norris, etc, but for the almost part everything he did came out of what he knew from Fly Chun and things he figured out himself.

The key to his success what non lifelong study of a martial art from nascence to death, only rather his intense, intense conditioning. He was in incredible shape, which is a BIG gene in that kind of martial success, at least in my opinion.

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  • #5
I wasn't challenging his fighting ability. I was just surprised that that was all of his formal training I had heard a lot about Shaolin Temples, etc. etc. I concur though him being in shape was the key to his success
Aug 3, 2002
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  • #6
Originally posted by Angus
That's his simply extended formal training. He connected to larn things here and in that location from other people, like Chuck Norris, etc, but for the most part everything he did came out of what he knew from Wing Chun and things he figured out himself.

The key to his success what not lifelong written report of a martial fine art from birth to death, but rather his intense, intense conditioning. He was in incredible shape, which is a Big factor in that kind of martial success, at to the lowest degree in my stance.

What he figured out was, techniques are best keep simple and few. But yous make them count by putting speed and ability behind them. He discarded kata and patterns as pointless memorising of complex movements. He incorporated bodybuilding routines and plyometric workout into his grooming. Which gave him not bad speed and strength. Bruce Lee extracted from other styles only those techniques that could help him to prevail in combat. The key is what criteria you utilise to judge what is worth keeping and what is to discard. That became the JKD concepts. The ready of techniques he taught became the Original JKD.

To say that he was good just b/c he was in good shape, is gross understating of his cognition in combat fighting.

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  • #7
i read somewhere that it take only 3-four yrs to learn Fly Chun arrangement as it has only 3 empty hand forms.
as compared to other Northern/southern organisation WC doesn't contain endless forms...
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  • #8
Yeah, I didn't say he was proficient because he was in good shape, I said it was a cardinal to his success that people tend to overlook. I didn't say it was the just matter. ;)

Pure and uncomplicated fact, he didn't end his training in Hong Kong. Does that seem detrimental to his futurity? No, but it'due south still truthful. Would it have been different if he did learn information technology all? Who knows. But it's still true.

Aug 3, 2002
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  • #9
There were many versions of stories why he didn't end Fly Chung. Some had it that Yip Man's sponsors didn't desire him to teach Wing Chung to Bruce whose mother was not pure Chinese. Yip Homo was a habitual gambler and a lousy manager and his schoolhouse's finance was largely supported by a group of patrons and his senior students. Then he had no choice but to cut Lee loose. Merely he left his top educatee William Cheung to guide Lee.

Lee never learnt the meridian secret of WingChung, and according to hearsay (which I am sure all of what I am regurgitating here, is) he tried to bribe Yip Man to teach him that, at another time. Only Yip Man refused.

JKD borrows heavily from WingChung. WingChung is a conceptual martial art. If y'all study WingChung's kicking concepts: Cleaving the center, Attacking the post, Attacking the weapon, and Obstructing the path, you would observe that these are all JKD essence.

Would information technology take made any difference had he finished WingChung? Who knows. Lee definitely begged, borrowed and stole from whatsoever art that he could go his hands on. He didn't transplant all the WingChung techniques nor concepts neither. Even the widely known ChiSao was deemphasized shortly earlier he died. The reason was ChiSao was practically useless confronting someone like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar , as in the Game of Expiry.

Sep 1, 2001
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  • #x
I don't know about any ransom, only it is said that at one time, Lee tried to get Yip Man's permission to motion-picture show him doing the dummy grade. Yip Man refused. I don't recall ever hearing mention of a bribe in that situation. I believe it was Hawkins Cheung who said that in one case a student left Yip Human, Yip Human considered that former student to be a competitor, and then wouldn't share any more information.

Even so, Lee always spoke highly of Yip Human being, and though he found things he felt to be flaws with the arrangement, he unremarkably spoke highly of Fly Chun likewise.


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  • #11
he did gung fu when he was immature than did wingchun but he was expelled from his schoolhouse cause he was 1/4 german and racism was all the rage in china but i call back it was good for him it made him train lonely and he musty be one of the toughest fighters ever not the best though i would be hesitant to call anyone the best.
IMO wing chuin and gung fu are pretty skilful fighting styles but bruce lee added to them and took abroad from them to create a superior martial art (read every bit well rounded and street effective)
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  • #12
What type of Gung Fu did he do. Wing CHun is a form of Gung FU you know.
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  • #thirteen
yeh i know i cerise that he did gung fu when he was young and wing chun when he got a petty older i simply causeless that by gungfu he meant a diiferent type of it

i always get confused between gung fu and kung fu whats the difference is gungfu southern and kung fu northern

i know gungfu is less fancy and more than economic

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  • #14
Lee also studied a form of northern Shao-lin which is where he developed his kicks. Years ago, Taekwondo enthusiasts tried to infer that he'd trained in that art but it simply isn't truthful.

He had studied some western boxing and besides some fencing (which he'd learned from his brother, I think).

I understand that he did try to ransom Yip Man into teaching him the third grade and letting him film Yip doing the 108 Wooden Dummy techniques, but Yip turned him down.

I believe that if he hadn't got into movies (he had Ed Parker to thank for that), he would have simply been another kung-fu teacher. Due to his Hollywood fame, Black Belt Mag did numerous articles on him and these were later followed up by Inside Kung-Fu Mag.
Bruce was really beaten badly many times in his career, merely the magazines wouldn't let that be known (nor would Bruce every bit it would detract from his paradigm). Bobby Lowe's Kyokushin people in Hawaii crunched him desperately and a well-known Uechi-Ryu grouping on the due east coast likewise mauled him.
I personally know individuals (Chinese) who got along with him but who admitted to me that they'd witnessed him getting his tush browbeaten by several other martial arts people.....But that was kept very clandestine and is still not widely known.

Sep 1, 2001
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  • #fifteen
Could you provide sources for these claims? I'm sure this is the first time almost of us have heard these stories.

Bruce never studied any other Chinese martial arts system for any observable menses other than Wing Chun. He took some kicks and some forms from some 'Northern' kung fu systems, simply never studied them with any of the seriousness in which he did WC.

It was some time before Bruce broke into the movies, starting in U.S. television first, then the Chinese movie market, and finally entering the U.S. movie market after his death.

He did not try to bribe Yip Human for the dummy movements, merely asked him if he could film him for his reference. Aye, Yip Man turned him downwardly.

I'd love to hear objective testimony from these alleged 'crunching' or 'maulings' by other martial arts groups. I notice it hard to believe them, since there are many who could have benefited by making these claims public during his life, and fifty-fifty after. Likewise, Bruce Lee never lived in Hawaii or the East Coast, spending his entire time in the U.S. in Washington or California, which really makes the claims of whatever e coast Uechi group doubtable.

These are some extraordinary claims which will require extraordinary evidence if you lot desire anyone to them seriously.


May 26, 2002
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  • #16
Also Trained With Factor Lebell in Grappling & Judo
As well as Judo & Ju Jitsu with Wally Jay.

He was a Fellow member of the Xavier Battle team
in Hong Kong.
He Practise Fenceing with his brother Robert

He besides recerched FMA with Dan Inosanto.

Now as far as Rank goes from what i know
he did not belive in it.

Also Bob 919 Were do U get German From????///
To My Knowlegde his parents were both Chinese

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  • #17
I agree that they do sound off the wall. But I don't have any trouble believing that Bruce Lee could have been beaten. I always thought he was overrated.
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  • #eighteen
It is true that Lee never lived in Hawaii or on the east coast. However, 1 need non alive in a given place in order to go there and train or practice fighting with other martial artists.

The Uechi group has actual photos of Lee getting swacked by their people in various matches. Their master instructor, being the true gentleman and fine martial creative person that he is, did not wish to tarnish the immature man'southward reputation and never fabricated these incidents public. Even so hasn't. But he'll testify you the photos if y'all get in that location.

He was soundly trounced in San Fransisco; the admirer I spoke of who was a witness to it never wanted to hurt Bruce's image and anybody just kept quiet about it; especially subsequently his passing. They do not wish to dishonor the expressionless.

James Kovacich
December four, 2002
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San Jose, Ca.
  • #xix
Originally posted past yilisifu
It is true that Lee never lived in Hawaii or on the due east coast. However, ane need not live in a given identify in society to get in that location and train or practice fighting with other martial artists.

The Uechi group has bodily photos of Lee getting swacked past their people in various matches. Their primary instructor, being the true admirer and fine martial artist that he is, did not wish to tarnish the immature man's reputation and never made these incidents public. However hasn't. But he'll show you the photos if yous go there.

He was soundly trounced in San Fransisco; the gentleman I spoke of who was a witness to it never wanted to injure Bruce's image and anybody just kept tranquility about it; especially afterwards his passing. They do non wish to dishonor the dead.


At present why would Bruce inquire to learn the tertiary class when all he ever learned was the beginning class!

Your second paw information is most likely imitation. Not to discredit your integrity. 2d paw data is second hand information but who you get information technology from is what matters the most.

In that location are many people in this globe who would dispute your facts, many of them who actually knew Bruce on a personal level.

There is no way that those defeats would of or could of been kept cloak-and-dagger! About having to go to someones school to see the pics in person. Come up on! They simply happen to be taking pictures that mean solar day and nobody else has them!

"My" second paw information came from someone who actually spoke with Bruce after the the happened in OAKLAND NOT SAN FRANCISCO!! And the simply witnesses were Linda Lee, James Lee and whoever showed up with Wong Jack Homo. "Today" Wong Jack Human being says that the fight was a tie and lasted 20 minutes. That comes from the actual "FIGHTER!" HE DIDN'T SAY HE WON! Never the less, Linda Lee disputes that! She was at that place! And my Sigung personally spoke to Bruce later on the fight and Bruce stated that he was upset that the fight took besides long, he needed to get in better shape because he had wasted a lot of free energy chasing Wong Jack Human being around the room earlier he tackeled Wong and pouned him on the ground! He said the fight lasted a couple of minutes and should of only lasted xxx seconds!

Of grade this is still second hand information, only it is still pretty reliable.


There all people still alive that know the truth.

  • Thread Starter
  • #20
The incident to which I refer occured in San Fransisco, not Oakland. Linda Lee was non present. I will not reveal the name of the gentleman who was witness as he asked me non to practise so. I will say, however, that his reputation both as a citizen and as a martial artist, is impeccable.

The pictures from the Uechi school are credible.

If you lot want to continue assertive in fairy tales, that's your business. Bruce Lee was non the be-all, end-all of martial arts. He won some and he lost some.

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Source: https://www.martialtalk.com/threads/bruce-lee-and-martial-arts.5501/

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